Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2/28/2012 Assignment

Interviews are mostly about learning some different opinions, thoughts, and differences. That is something makes interviews fun and a good way to learn. I love interviews because I learn a lot of different information. Plus, the interview we do is based on learning different cultures and that is something makes interview even more fun! Another reason why I like to interview with my classmates is I get a chance to meet them more and that makes people know each other better. Also, this interview will be very useful for our speaking skills, because it`s going to be a one by one dialogue and a good chance to improve myself. For another example why interview good for us is that`s something some of us will use for our job and this is a chance to learn more about how to interview with people. This assignment is going to be a good source for our life in the future. Anyways the most important thing is to be a person who likes to speaking and being curious about everything. For a person who loves speaking with people about strange topics this assignment will be so easy and helpful.
1-) Decide whom I will interview with
2-) Finding people from other culture
3-) Choosing the interviewee from the country which I am interested with.
4-) All interviewees should be from same country.
5-) I need to interview with my interviewees in a specific time and place like an meeting.
6-) I have to find a voice recorder.
7-) I have to find a room to interview in library.
8-) I have to re-arrange my questions before I start interviewing.
9-) I have to start my interview with a good starting dialogue.
10-) I have to call or mail my interviewees where and what time we will meet.
11-) I have to start asking questions with the ones that are interesting and can be a material for fun.
12-) Ones I start asking questions I have to be polite and kind to get all the answers.
13-) Need to have some strategies to get the answers for the questions that interviewee doesn`t want to answer.
14-) Need a second question list that have the same questions but asked in different structure.
15-)Need people that want to answer my questions carefuly.
16-) Need to listen recordings
17-) Need to take notes.
18-) Need to rebuild the sentences which are wrong.
19-) I don`t have to write full name of the interviewee.
20-) Get everything together and finish assignment.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Prioritizing questions

  1. Can you describe a typical day for a child in your country?
  2. What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?
  3. How would you describe famous sports in your country? 
  4. Which country`s food do you like the most? What are the similarities and differences between it and your own culture`s food?
  5. What kind of government is in charge of your home country, how did it affect your life and how has democracy in America been a change?
  6. What are the typical greetings in your culture and what do they mean? 
  7. At what age do you start school? Are you under a lot of stress in school??
  8. What religious holidays or other cultural events do you or others celebrate; can you explain your traditions for each? 
  9. Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?
  10. What different modes of transportation are used in your country?
  11. Could you tell me a secret about yourself that very few people here know about and that shows us well, who you are and what you stand for? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/21/2012 Assigment

Neset Furkan Akbas
Finding Resources
·         Scholarly articles are more reliable sources then other articles and journals because they always have citations, bibliography, author`s name and credentials, specialized language,often report on original researches, and processed after peer review. So that, these are well-organized articles.
·         For searching articles on libraries web site follow these steps;
1.       Go to the webpage of library,  (lrts.stcloudstate.edu/library)
2.       Click on the Articles and databases tab located in the Library Search box.
3.       Think about your topic are, then search by keyword(s).
4.       You may want to select specific databases because it will help you finding your need easly.
·         There is also an option that we can use articles electronically which means you can also read and research your resources by this website with PDF, HTML or Full Text link if it`s available.
·         Always write down your citation information for not doing plagiarism.
·         There is also Journal and newspaper availability in our library. Type in your topic to Library Search box, click on the Journal and Newspaper Titles link on the Library home page. ( Use keywords for this feature.)
·         If your journal or articles you need is not listed you can use following options;
1.       Use the Find•It! interlibrary loan link by clicking on “Go” to request the item.
2.       You may also use the Interlibrary Loan link on the library’s homepage.
3.       Complete the information on the form.
4.       You may request electronic delivery.
5.       Print copies are picked at the Circulation Desk on 1st  Floor West.
6.       Most articles arrive within 3-7 days.
7.       Check status of items at the Circulation Desk or call • (320) 308-3083.
·         Location in Miller Center
1-     Current Periodicals (1st Floor West)
Alphabetical by title
Most titles have 2 years on the shelf.
2-     Bound (Basement West)
Alphabetical by title
Right side of the floor, second aisle.
3-     Microfiche (1st Floor West, gray cabinets)
Alphabetical by title
Starts on furthest cabinet to the right.
4-     Microfilm (1st Floor West, gray cabinets)
Alphabetical by title
Located in cabinets by microfiche.
5-     Electronic Holdings
Use the Find•It! button when available.
Differences between Scholarly Journal& Popular Magazine Articles
1-      Scholarly journals has always longer articles then popular.
2-      Coverage in Scholarly journals are specialized, research topics but Popular magazines have current events , general interests.
3-      Audience of Scholarly are Scholarly readers such as proffesors, researchers, or studets and Popular magazine readers are general public.
4-      Scholarly Journals illustrations that support the text, such as tables of statistics, graphs, maps, or photographs . Popular Magazines  illustrated with glossy or color photographs.
5-      For the Scholarly there is always a bibliography and/or footnotes provided to document research thoroughly, but for the popular magazines there are few or no references or notes, although reports or studies may be mentioned in the text.
For Internet resources you can use; “http://research.stcloudstate.edu/page.phtml?page_id=577

Answers for the prioritized questions

1. What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?

First of all, a university need popular activities to atract students attentions.These activities can be sports, trips, or other activities that entertain university students. There should be lots of places that students can meet and chat together such as carribbou coffee and food court. The organizations such as concerts, shows, or celebration for specific days should be more often. Concerts are always good way to entertain students. Every student all around the world likes to go concert, so this will make people happy .

2. Could you tell me a secret about yourself that very few people here know about and that shows us well, who you are and what you stand for?

I actually don`t have any secrets. Even if I do, I don`t know what it is. I`m not that kind of person. I can share everything with the people I know. I think it`s because of my family. They always speak out and never let anything stay secret even if it`s a bad thing.

3. Which country`s food do you like the most? What are the similarities and differences between it and your own culture`s food?

I like Turkish food. It`s totally same with my culture because I`m Turkish. :) The reason of this is I think it`s the most tasty, most delicious, and have unlimited number of food types. Also, Turkish foods and deserts are well-known all around the world. A few example for popular foods are Kebap (Food), Baklava (Desert), Turkish coffee(Drink).

4. What are the typical greetings in your culture and what do they mean?

The most common one is Selamun Aleykum. When someone said you this even if you don`t know the person you have to answer it. That`s a greeting that coming from Muslim culture. When someone say Selamun Aleykum the people who heard that have to say Aleykum Selam. It is something that really important for most of the people. Also, Arabic people have the same greeting. This is international greeting for Muslim people.

5. What kind of government is in charge of your home country, how did it affect your life and how has democracy in America been a change?

Turkey have democracy system. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who is the found founder of Republic of Turkey declared democracy system in 1923. I`ve never seen any change because it was declared long long time ago. When you compare it to U.S. democracy system it`s the same. I`m not against any system but in my opinion democracy system is the best for MOST of the countries.

6. What different modes of transportation are used in your country?

In Turkey we have the same transportation vehicles with U.S.. Buses and trains are the most popular in short distance. In long distance usually people use planes. The reason of that is planes are cheaper to travel for long distance. Fuel prices are too high in my country so that people are trying another ways to travel cheaper.

7.  At what age do you start school? Are you under a lot of stress in school??

I was 7 when I start my education. Since my childhood I didn`t like school. When I came to U.S. for study it isn`t that bad anymore. Anyways, I am always under a lot of stress in school. Because my parents want me to be successful and thats something you have to work on it. That makes it stressful.

8. What religious holidays or other cultural events do you or others celebrate; can you explain your traditions for each? 

In my country we celebrate Kurban and Seker holy days. In Kurban we sacrifce for the name of the god and share the meat with the poor people. Seker holy day is kind of like cristmass. Kids are walking around and asks sugar from people. Also, older people gives money to kids to make them happy. It also happens in Kurban too. During these holy days most of the people who have money gives a family help and they give money to them.

8b Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?

9.  How would you describe famous sports in your country?

The famous sport in my country is Soccer. At least 80 percent of the citizens likes soccer. Fenerbahce has 25 million fans in Turkey. Galatasaray has 18 million and Besiktas has 15 million fans. Soccer is like our culture Turkish people likes to play and watch soccer for many many years. That`s a huge indistury by their-self.
10.Can you describe a typical day for a child in your country?

In my country they usually starts the day with a huge breakfast with a force of their mom. After that, they go outside and play soccer or other games with their neighborhoods. Usually when they get back home they are all in dirt and their mom will be angry for this. After they come back home they start watching cartoon and surfing on internet and playing games. Before the sleep parents always says their child to read book but they never read. :)) Also, they love texting with their friend espasially my brother is texting more then 200 sms per day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Where do we use aposthrophe ?
  •  to form possessives of nouns
  • to show the omission of letters
  • to indicate certain plurals of lowercase letters
To check if you need possessives, turn the phrase around and change it to "of, the,..." phrase. For instance;

the boy's hat = the hat of the boy
three days' journey = journey of three days
If the noun after "of" is a building, an object, or a piece of furniture, then no apostrophe is needed!
room of the hotel = hotel room
door of the car = car door
leg of the table = table leg
Apostrophes are used in contractions. For example,

don't = do not
I'm = I am
he'll = he will
who's = who is
shouldn't = should not
didn't = did not
could've= could have (NOT "could of"!)
'60 = 1960
You musn`t use aposthrophes for personal pronouns, the relative pronoun who, or for noun plurals.

wrong: his' book
correct: his book
correct: one's book
correct: anybody's book

wrong: Who's dog is this?
correct: Whose dog is this?

wrong: The group made it's decision.
correct: The group made its decision.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

prioritize food questions

1-)What dish is your country famous for?
2-What country's food do you like the most?
3-) What is your favorite food from the United States? Why?
4-) How broad is your countries food culture? 
5-)How hard for you to adopt a kind of foreign food? 6-)Are there any foods that originated in your home country? If so, what are they?what kind of food can affect your mood?What is the staple food in your country?
7-)How do families obtain most of their food; market, home grown?
 8-)What is the main type of dish in your country?
 9-)Are there special occasion/holiday foods? (e.g. In the United States we eat turkey on thanksgiving)
10-)Is the food in your country mostly imported or grown locally?
11-) What do you think the relation is between food and culture?
12-)Have you tried another country’s foods? (Turkish, Arabic, Chinese,… etc)
13-)Is your country’s food popular all around the world?
14-)What kind of food you think is healthy food?
15-)Will you refuse junk food but delicious for your health? And why?
16-) Do you cook? If yes, what food do you cook the most often?
17-)What are the local traditional food dishes in your hometown?
18-)How often does the grocery shopping happen? Daily? Weekly?
19-)What's your favorite food?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Interview questions

1-) How much do you like soccer and what is your favorite team?  If you don`t like why?
2-)Which kind of sport is the most popular in your country?
3-) In which field of sport your countries national team is better?
4-) Do you like to play any kind of sports? Which ones and why?
1-) How is the education system in your country when you compare it with the U.S.A. ?
2-) Which class is your favorite? Why?
3-) What is your field of study? Why did you choose to be “…..” ?
4-) How often do you visit library? Do you think it is useful or not? Why?
1-) What is the best taste food in U.S. for you? Why?
2-) How broad is your countries food culture?
3-) Have you tried another countries cultural foods? (Turkish, Arabic, Chinese,… etc)
4-) Is your countries cultural foods popular all around the world?